The Moon exerts an influence on everyday life, as Jetteke and Lieke discovered 9 years ago during a visit to the Jura - a region in France where the population lives according to the cycles of the Moon. It inspired them to discover more about it. And what turns out? The power of the Moon is greater than you think.
Mythology and historical lunar calendars
As you know by now, lunar calendars are ancient. In his much discussed research 'The Roots of Civilization' (1972), Alexander Marshack developed the theory that the notches on various Palaeolithic bone plaques (notches on animal bones) were not necessarily for communication, but actually served to indicate time. They noted this time on the basis of the position of the Moon. According to him, finds from the Thaïs cave in France indicated 29 notches, corresponding to the duration between two moons.¹
Many of the lunar calendars were found on loose stones, in caves or on animal bones. The small objects were suitable because they could easily be taken along on hunts - which sometimes lasted for weeks. The people of that time hunted horses, bison and mammoths, for example.
Some lunar calendars had a practical character, like the Haab of the Maya, others a religious one - like the Maya's second calendar: the Tzolkin. The fact remains that many (pre-)historical peoples arranged their lives according to the Moon and only since Julius Caesar have we massively switched to the solar calendar. Read here all about the history of the lunar calendar and how it has shaped and continues to shape life on Earth.
Impact on water, agriculture and viticulture
Let's start at the beginning: the visible force of the Moon is clearly reflected in the ebb and flow. The Moon's gravity 'pulls' the Earth - including the water. In this way the water moves to the lunar side, where it becomes high tide.
But the Moon affects more than water - did you know, for example, about its strong effect on agriculture and wine growing? Based on the biodynamic calendar - a schedule used for planting and harvesting crops - the days are divided into four different types. There are flower days, root days, leaf days and fruit days. Wine, for example, is said to taste best on fruit days (Is today a fruit day? Good reason to open that bottle tonight!).
And so we return to the theory of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the founder of anthroposophy. Steiner approaches the earth holistically, as an organism that forms a coherent whole with the plants, animals, the soil and the cosmos. You have probably drunk a biodynamic wine before. These vines are grown and pruned in accordance with the life energy: the Sun, planets, water and oxygen. Both the harvesting and the making of the wine are done according to the position of the Moon. Finally, with biodynamic wine, the addition of extras, such as sulphites, is prohibited. In short: better for your body and the hangover the next day. Although, of course, that's not insurmountable after one glass too many ;-).
Then the different phases of the Moon and their influence on nature. We use the following, based among others on the book 'The mysterious power of the Moon', by Roswitha Broszath and Rita Stiens.
- New Moon: The New Moon stands for rebirth. It is the time to prune sick trees and update houseplants for a new phase. You will be surprised what a kick-start you give them with this.
- Waxing Moon: the period of the Waxing Moon is ideal for working in the garden, planting trees and sowing new grass.
- Three-quarter moon: Use this period for picking fruits - they have extra taste now!
- Full Moon: in this period, it is best to wake, freeze or preserve fruit or meat. Fertilising plants and flowers is also a good idea.
Good to know: during Declining Moon, the juices in the soil migrate more towards the roots of the crops. During the Waxing Moon, they rise, causing plants and flowers to bloom. There are also a few simple but important rules of thumb:
- In spring, dig the land you are going to cultivate three times. The first time during the Waxing Moon, the second time during the waning Moon in Capricorn and the last time again during the waning Moon.
- Above-ground plants and crops are best planted or sown at Wassende Moon.
- Vegetables grown underground thrive best when planted or sown during the waning Moon.

Influence of the Moon on everyday life
Sleep and peaks and troughs in metabolism have long been linked to the phase of the Moon. Research on various animal species shows that they adapt their behaviour to the position of the Moon. Scientific studies show among other things that people sleep shorter during Full Moon. A short night has an influence on glucose regulation and physical activity. A Danish study among a group of children showed that the reduced physical activity during Full Moon leads to deviations in the metabolism. During another study in Switzerland, it was noted that the participating adults were more tired during Full Moon. And that was not surprising, because they slept on average nineteen minutes less during Full Moon than during other moon phases. A small note: more research is needed to verify these outcomes.
Apart from the scientific part, there is a big chance that you yourself experience the effect of the (Full) Moon on your daily life - consciously or unconsciously. Did you know that the different lunar phases are also held responsible for certain feelings? Time for a short lesson.
Lunar phases
There are different phases of the Moon, which are held responsible for an effect on plants, animals and people. The Waxing Moon represents the period from New Moon to Full Moon. It is also called the 'inhalation phase' - the time to give your body what it needs to rebuild. The period of contracting or waning Moon runs from Full Moon to the New Moon. This phase represents letting go and exhaling. This period is perfect for detoxifying the body and mind in any way.
- New Moon stands for growth - in this phase both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. It is the perfect time to let your ideas run free. Physically, this is a good time to fast or detox and break bad habits.
- Waxing Moon is the perfect time to make new plans concrete. Everything is geared towards growth - both personal and natural. It is ideal for cosmetic surgery or some self-care, so take a nice bath or a face mask made of Manuka honey during Wax Moon. It is also a great time for intense sex, so you know what to do after your beauty hour ;-).
- During Half Moon (First or Last Quarter), you may find it difficult to face your own affairs. You are a little more flammable, so be prepared for this when you go on a family outing, for example. It could still clash. In a positive light, this is the best time to go crazy at the gym or to give someone a passionate declaration of love.
- The Full Moon can lead to more intense emotions and – as we have already mentioned – a poor night’s sleep. It is ideal for enjoying romantic activities with your partner, and you will find that this only intensifies your feelings. You will act more from your subconscious than you would normally do.
- Finally, the three-quarter Moon (the waning cycle) stands for ‘sowing’. In this phase you may be more focused than usual on others and be more willing to help others. This is also the best time to see the dentist.
Moon phase and nutrition
In addition to the above, it is good to know what you should or should not eat based on the phase of the moon.
During a Waxing Moon, for example, you will be full more quickly and it is better to eat more lightly. This is the time when your body absorbs, so you will see those croissants and liquorices in the mirror more quickly. If it is a waning Moon, you can eat more without immediately gaining weight. Your body is more energetic and you may even notice that you need a little extra. In addition, the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located also influences what kind of food you digest best. Because we understand that this requires extensive research, we have incorporated this knowledge in our Moon Calendar so that you do not have to devote your own study to this :-).
Constellations and the body
According to astrology certain parts of your body are linked to zodiacal signs. Every two days, the Moon goes from one zodiac sign to the next. If the Moon is in Aries, your face, for example, is extra sensitive. Be careful with a facial treatment or peeling on those days. Your skin may react more violently than at other times of the month. Naturopaths take this into account when planning a treatment. You will find an overview below and in our Moon Calendar.
Aries - head, brain and eyes
Taurus - larynx, speech organs, teeth, neck, jaw, tonsils and ears
Gemini - shoulders, arms, hands and lungs
Cancer - chest, lungs, stomach, liver and gall bladder
Leo - heart, diaphragm, back, circulation and arteries
Virgo - digestive organs, nerves, spleen and pancreas
Libra - hips, kidneys and bladder
Scorpio - genitals and urinary tract
Sagittarius - upper legs and veins
Capricorn - knee, bones, joints and skin
Aquarius - lower legs and veins
Pisces - feet and toes.