
Home /Beauty / Manuka Toothpaste 'so fresh, ready to kiss

Manuka Toothpaste 'so fresh, ready to kiss'.
Manuka Toothpaste 'so fresh, ready to kiss'.

Manuka Toothpaste 'so fresh, ready to kiss'.

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You may not expect it when you think of honey toothpaste, but this toothpaste has a delightful fresh mint flavor. No crazy additives and thus suitable for the whole family. Manuka toothpaste uses of three powerful New Zealand ingredients; raw Manuka Honey, propolis and Manuka olie. It is eand combination of highly valued unique, raw New Zealand MGO550+ Manuka honing, New Zealand CAPE-rich propolis, potent New Zealand Manuka oil, combined with other natural plant extracts. The llow-foaming toothpaste leaves your mouth fresh and clean behind.

Manuka New Zealand's unique toothpaste contains no sodium lauryl sulphate, no fluoride, no harsh abrasives, no artificial colours, no flavours, no sweeteners and no preservatives and is gSuitable for vegetarians.

Manuka Toothpaste 'so fresh, ready to kiss'.


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t.a.v. Moonsisters
Conservenweg 114
2371 DT Roelofarendsveen
The Netherlands

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