Moonsisters In the Kitchen: celeriac soup with Rens Kroes

Moonsisters In the Kitchen: celeriac soup with Rens Kroes

This celeriac soup from Rens Kroes is delicious, healthy and easy to make. Celeriac is full of vitamin C, good for the resistance and because of the large amount of vitamin K also good for our bones. It also stimulates the functioning of our kidneys so that more toxins are removed. Bingo, in all respects! We dove into Rens' kitchen and made this delicious recipe. Nourishing, warm and finger-licking good. 


  • A spoonful of coconut oil
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 500 grams celeriac
  • 250 grams of sweet potato
  • 750 ml water
  • 1 cube of stock (preferably without yeast) - used in the video: Herb and veggie blend from Gucot, for sale here (1 tbsp. to approximately 750 ml. of water) 
  • 450 ml coconut milk
  • 3 tbsp chopped chives
  • 5 sun-dried tomatoes
  • 200 grams of mushrooms
  • Pinch of cardamom
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Additional option used in the video: Dash of tamari by Gucot, for sale here


  • Large soup pan


  1. Melt the coconut oil in a soup pan
  2. Meanwhile, chop the onion, celeriac and sweet potato into small pieces
  3. When the coconut oil has melted, add the above to the pan
  4. Crush the garlic and add it to the pot
  5. Bake for 10 minutes
  6. Add 750 ml water, together with the stock and stir well
  7. Now add the coconut milk, chives, and a pinch of pepper, salt and cardamom
  8. Stir well and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
  9. Blend the soup with a hand blender or in the blender, together with the sun-dried tomatoes. If the soup is too thick, add more water.
  10. Fry the mushrooms with some chives and a dash of tamari in a pan
  11. Serve the soup in a large bowl and garnish with the mushrooms.


The new book by Rens Kroes is now available to pre-order via: 


Read also: Moonsisters in the Kitchen: advocaatrecept van Cees Holtkamp

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