Emoto - the influence of energy on water

Emoto - the influence of energy on water

Chances are that you have heard of Masaru Emoto (1943 - 2014). The Japanese researcher made his name studying the effect of energy on water. According to him, there is a 'memory effect' and water has energetic properties. Time to dive deeper into the matter. 

Masaru Emoto

In the 1980s, would-be researcher Masaru Emoto studied at the University of Yokohama; in the 1990s, he obtained his doctorate at the University of Alternative Medicine in Calcutta. He has always looked at the world with an open mind in order to come to new, pioneering insights. And he succeeded, because he made a name for himself with his remarkable research into the memory effect of water - which, according to him, resonates with the energy you give it.

Memory effect of water

That sounds interesting, but what is the alleged memory effect of water that Emoto has become so famous for? Let's start at the beginning. Emoto was always interested in water. Water has been seen as a symbol of the soul since the dawn of man; without it, there is no life. In his New York Times Bestseller The Hidden Messages of WaterEmoto shows the impact of different emotions and energies on water. Water that was exposed to love and prayer created beautiful, symmetrical crystals after freezing. Water that was vilified and cursed developed asymmetrical shapes, hardly to be called crystals. Emoto investigated this using Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photography. Some of the results can be found below.

 emoto research

emoto research

Source: Masaru Emoto

Influence of music on water

Not only energy, but also music affects the energy of water, according to the study. For example, water exposed to classical music forms aesthetic, star-shaped figures, whereas heavy metal led to almost formless patterns. Because of these findings, researcher Masaru Emoto was one of the first scientists to classify water as 'living consciousness'. According to him, water is energy, capable of more than we can ever imagine. The enormous power of thoughts, energy, intentions and sounds was clearly visible in the crystallisation of water. As human beings, we consist for the most part of water. You could say that energies, sounds, thoughts and intentions have as great an influence on our well-being as the water in Emoto's research. Proven or not, it is never wrong to be kind to yourself and others. Be more mindful of the energy you radiate to those around you and you will receive the same positivity you give to others.


Disclaimer: opinions on the results of this study are divided. We will not discuss what is true and what is not. We find it interesting to share knowledge with an open mind, with the aim of inspiring. In doing so, we always present ourselves as the curious, never as the expert.

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