A crash course in manifesting and setting intentions

A crash course in manifesting and setting intentions

At New Moon we always set new intentions, which we write down in our Moon Intentions Notebooks. But how do you set them exactly? We take you through the steps we personally take with each new Moon phase.

Setting intentions

We believe that writing down your dreams and intentions and speaking them out loud in front of the mirror works. It is important that you do this from the heart; that you mean it sincerely. 

By the way, New Moon is the time to set intentions. Everything you want to leave behind, you leave behind. That which brings you something, you take with you. When we set intentions, we never use a negative form. For example, 'I don't want to walk over myself anymore' doesn't work - at least, not for us. Rather, use a positive approach, which allows you to focus on a positive outcome. So, rather go for 'I choose to stand up for myself'. We always start our intentions with 'I choose' or 'this month I want', followed by our wish. The active form makes you more likely to act on it. You make a conscious choice to really change something and give direction to your life. After writing it down and saying it out loud in front of the mirror, you say 'thank you' to your reflection and to the universe.

Examples of intentions 

In addition to setting intentions for a new month, you can also set intentions for each day, for example when you have an important meeting or presentation. To make it a little easier, we have prepared some formats and examples that you can make your own. 

  • Today I am going to ... Choose a positive approach, such as 'today I am going to shine/stand up for myself/put myself first/let my professional side lead'.
  • I want this month to be ... Make your goal concrete, what exactly do you want to achieve? By making direct demands on the universe, you are more likely to succeed. I want to bench press 20 kilos this month' is a good example. Think about personal records, more time with your children (make the moments specific!), giving love to friends, salary increases, and so on.
  • I choose ...Dare to choose what is really important to you. Do you choose to live in abundance? To live in that dream house? Make a choice in the direction you want your life to go. 

You can learn to manifest

By now you know how to set intentions. If you go one step further, you manifest the outcome. The first step is to set a positive intention; the second step is to imagine exactly what the outcome will look like. Finally, you act on that outcome. This does not mean that you run to the bank to apply for a mortgage for a house you do not yet own (that is also quite impossible), but it does mean that, for example, you receive a daily notification from Funda with an offer that fits the criteria of your dream place. Create a mood board and hang it in a visible place, such as the inside of a kitchen cabinet that you often open. In this way, your goal remains on top of mind and you work towards it consciously and unconsciously. 

Another example: in the new year, we all resolve to live healthier and take better care of ourselves. But why does this not always work in the long run? Admittedly, sometimes the wine and cheese platter are just too good, but a little indulgence here and there doesn't get in the way of a healthy lifestyle. The intention to live healthier leads to an affirmation 'I choose to be fit and take good care of myself'. Speak this out loud and write it down. Then imagine what it would feel like for you to feel good about yourself and to be at your very best; this is different for everyone. Repeat the intentions and affirmations daily so that you actually act upon them.

Finally, it is important to say and write everything in the present tense, as if it were already there. Focus on the feeling that goes with it, rather than how you are going to achieve the particular goal. By planting reminders on your kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and in your phone, you will find yourself living by them. 

In short: what is stopping you? On to a happy, healthyand prosperous 2022!

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