Constellation Aries: the most important characteristics at a glance

Constellation Aries: the most important characteristics at a glance

Aries are quick to kick ass and have a minimal attention span: these are some of the more common assumptions about your sign. But what about the real thing? Time for a basic lesson in astrology.

Features Aries - 'There's no off-button'

21 March - 21 April

If you are close to an Aries, you know that they are fiery people. If you are an Aries yourself, then you probably recognise this like no other ;-). The average Aries likes to assert himself, but he can also be unpredictable. From the mood creator at a party to an insecure little bird in the blink of an eye.


Is your child an Aries? Then your little one is easy to get excited about many different things. They are happy quickly, but also lose their attention in an instant. Besides, Aries kids are real adventurers, they love climbing and scrambling and are often covered in scratches and scrapes. In short: never a dull moment.

Love and sex

Since Aries is very enthusiastic, he or she is more likely to make a wrong choice in a relationship. At a young age, the Aries woman prefers to play with boys rather than girls - this is where her powerful character comes into its own. Love is also very important for Aries. If you are in a relationship with an Aries woman, you can clasp your hands together - they are very loyal, once you have got them into your loft. In bed, Aries can play games, but always with sweet words and tender looks. Aries women are generally real sex bombs - sex is an indispensable part of a long, loving relationship. 

Aries go well with Archers and Lions. Aries can quarrel well with Sagittarius, as the Sagittarius understands that there are nice moments or a steamy session of make-up sex. Lions can also be good for a long time, but only if both Aries and Leo have had a number of previous relationships in which they learned to control their dominant characteristics.

Dealing with

Do you want a relationship with an Aries? Then patience is a virtue. Aries is almost always the leading figure in a relationship, but they like to be contradicted. Discussions and quarrels are part of it. Forgiving and trying to forget are key

Read also: The most important characteristics per zodiac sign

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